A Welcoming Community
Refugees and Immigrants Beginning New Lives in Delaware
Church World Service (CWS) Georgetown is committed to welcoming refugees and supporting them in integrating and thriving in their new community. CWS Georgetown provides Reception and Placement resettlement services to newly arrived individuals and families. These services provide clients with the opportunity to reach their full potential in the United States.
Help our new neighbors rebuild their lives.
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Every two seconds
Someone in the world is forced to leave their home and everything they know as a result of persecution, conflict, and violence.
million displaced people
As of May 2023, 110 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, and violence.
million refugees
At the end of 2022, 35.3 million people met the legal definition of a refugee.

Church World Service Georgetown is committed to showing welcome to refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers and other uprooted people within the United States who are seeking safety and the opportunity to rebuild their lives. We believe all families deserve safety and dignity.
See how YOU can champion the right to seek safety & together build communities of belonging.
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